MaksGrid Project Aims to Increase Utilization of Power Grid by 25%

The MaksGrid project, a new initiative under the Pilot-E scheme, is set to test innovative solutions that could potentially increase the utilization of the power grid by 25%. With the aim of addressing the lack of grid capacity, this project will explore measures that grid companies can implement and control while waiting for the construction of new grid infrastructure.

The challenges posed by the lack of grid capacity have become a significant barrier to achieving the desired green transition in Norwegian society. The construction of new grids is time-consuming, costly, and can have adverse environmental impacts, including increased greenhouse gas emissions. In response to this pressing issue, MaksGrid will bring together grid companies, technology firms, and research and development providers to develop and test new solutions.

Coordinated automatic system control, dynamic transmission limits, and risk-based operation and planning are among the solutions that will be evaluated in MaksGrid. By assessing the coherence and overall impact of these measures, the project aims to pave the way for a more efficient and sustainable power grid.

The MaksGrid project has been granted NOK 26 million from the Pilot-E scheme, a collaboration between the Research Council, Innovation Norway, and Enova. This funding will support the development of new products and services in environmentally friendly energy technology, with a focus on reducing emissions both in Norway and internationally.

Initiator of the Project

The challenges are, however, so complex that a single actor cannot solve them alone. The Norwegian Smartgrid Centre is the initiator of the project and has worked purposefully and actively over a long period to gather key players for a joint effort.

Jun Elin Wiik, Director, The Norwegian Smartgrid Centre

“We at the Smartgrid Centre see that there is an enormous need for research, development, and testing of new technology and solutions to solve the challenges in the power system. We have therefore come together to identify the most pressing needs and have used significant resources to initiate this project, fully convinced that the industry possesses the commitment, will, and competence to carry out such an ambitious project. Together with DNV and SINTEF Energy, we have assembled a very strong consortium ready to tackle the task,” says Jun Elin Wiik, Centre Director, The Norwegian Smartgrid Centre.

Knut Styve Hornnes, Section Manager in Innovation and Technology Development at Statnett

Increasing Need for Capacity in the Grid

Statnett, the owner of MaksGrid, sees great value in collaborating to solve the issue and recognizes their crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“MaksGrid is an important project for us,” says Knut Styve Hornnes. “Statnett has system responsibility in the Norwegian power system, and the transmission grid is the hub of the green shift. Electrification and new energy production in the form of solar and wind power require greater capacity in the grid. We are building new capacity in the grid, but we are also working to make the best use of the existing grid.”

Henning Taxt, PhD, Research Manager at SINTEF Energy

Combining Measures Increases Grid Utilization

The unique aspect of this project is that it will combine three different measures to contribute to increased utilization of the power grid. “There has been some research on these measures individually,” says Research Manager Henning Taxt at SINTEF Energy. “Our hypothesis is that the great potential for increasing grid utilization is only realized when the measures are combined. This is what we will try to achieve in MaksGrid.”

Sonja Monica Berlijn, Business Development Manager at DNV

Topical Issue

The relevance of the topic and the broad support for the project, which will bring noticeable changes, is confirmed by the project manager in MaksGrid, Sonja Monica Berlijn. “It is with great pleasure that DNV has received information that Pilot-E has been awarded funds for MaksGrid. It is the most relevant, ambitious, and exciting project I have contributed to assembling.”

Per-Oddvar Osland, Research Manager at Glitre Nett

Experiencing Demand for Quick Grid Connection

Grid companies are close to the customers, and the desire for quick connection is clear and evident. This motivates collaboration in MaksGrid. “Glitre Nett is very pleased that MaksGrid has received approval. This is an important and exciting project that addresses issues vital to grid companies, including increased grid capacity, dynamic system protection, and dynamic transmission limits. We look forward to an engaging and productive collaboration,” says Per-Oddvar Osland.

Arne Brufladt Svendsen, CTO at Infinigrid

New Technology to be Tested

“The MaksGrid project will be an important demonstrator of Norwegian composite technology that will be tested and verified by users and will be a key for Infinigrid’s and other actors’ international commercialization and investment,” says Arne Brufladt Svendsen. Infinigrid is one of the three technology providers in the project.

Project Information

Participants: Statnett, Tensio, Glitre, Lede, Linja, Heimdall Power, Infinigrid, SnerpaPower, DNV, SINTEF Energy, and The Norwegian Smart Grid Centre (NSGC)

Project Owner: Statnett

Initiator and Responsible for Communication:  NSGC

Project Manager: DNV

R&D Partners: SINTEF Energy and DNV

Technology Providers: Heimdall Power, Infinigrid, and SnerpaPower

Project Period: 2024-2027

Supported by Pilot-E, funded by: The Research Council of Norway and Innovation Norway

Support Amount: NOK 26 million

Contact Information: Knut Styve Hornnes, Statnett, +47 469 53 099,

Svein Erik Thorsen, The Norwegian Smartgrid Centre, +47 454 83 390,

Svein Erik Thorsen



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